Tuesday, September 18, 2012


          In the story of "Snow White" by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm shows an expected side of women. In this story Snow White is presented as the beautiful princess that is submissive and weak. There was a time in America when woman were expected to act this way. The only way of survival was mostly depended on man and if it was not so them these woman would be looked down upon. This piece does hold up to expectations of woman at the time but in 2012 it does not. Woman now are more independent and we are not in need of a male figure to survive or live a fulfilling life. Woman today do not need a "Prince" to come save us from danger.
In the essay by Marcia Leiberman "Female Acculturation through the Fairytale" she speaks about children being taught their roles at an early age, especially girls. Leiberman shows in her essay how society shapes gender roles and that's not how it's suppose to be. when i walk around i see little 2 year old baby girls walking around with make believe babies and stroller, what are we teaching our children? That is a question that Leiberman brings up in her essay. I believe that this essay uphold the image of womanhood because she is against people teaching young children through story books how they are expected to act and what to believe. She breaks down the meaning of a few fairy tales and how woman are viewed in them. I agree with what she is saying in this piece, very interesting to read.